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The Academy of Northern Ballet is striving to ensure that talented students can access training, regardless of family or financial background.

Course fees

The full cost of the course from September 2024 is £4,193 per year. Means-tested financial support is available to successful applicants supported by The Department for Education.

Funding grants

Using the table below you will be able to work out an estimation of the grant you could be entitled to. You will not have to make any contribution if your family income before tax is £34,037.12 or less (after deducting £2,355 estimated for each dependent child in the family) in the tax year ending April 2024. If your family income is more, you will receive a smaller grant and will need to make a contribution as detailed in the following table.

Income brackets 2024 - 25

Relevant income* Maximum amount of grant
Up to £34,037.12 £4,193
£34,037.13 to £38,576.72 £3,807
£38,576.73 to £43,115.28 £3,423
£43,115.29 to £47,712.08 £3,014
£47,712.09 to £52,192.40 £2,640
£52,192.41 to £56,729.92 £2,262
£56,729.93 to £61,761.44 £1,890
£61,761.45 to £65,809.12 £1,505
£65,809.13 to £70,347.68 £1,122
£70,347.69 to £72,003.00 £738
£72,003.01 to £74,883.12 £369
£74,883.13 or more £0

Please note this is the updated information from the Department for Education. For further information please visit the government website.

*After deducting £2,355 per dependent including the grant holder.

The next step

Should you be successful in your application you may be able to get help towards your contribution from other sources - please contact the Academy of Northern Ballet to discuss this. Parental contributions may be paid in instalments over the year. Suitable payment plans can be discussed individually following the offer of a place.

Travel and dancewear

Students may apply for financial assistance with travel and dancewear costs. Applications can be made on a yearly basis and assistance is means-tested.