Get closer to Northern Ballet with our supporter events, open exclusively to Patrons, Benefactors, the Artistic Director's Circle, and our London Friends.
Select your preferred event(s) by pressing the + icon. To make an event booking, or to access priority booking, supporters will need to log in first. Alternatively contact development@northernballet.com and the team can get you booked in. Make sure to bookmark this page as our events will be continually updated throughout the year!
In order to book your place for the Technical Rehearsal of Jane Eyre please email development@northernballet.com
Contact development@northernballet.com to book your tickets
Contact development@northernballet.com to book your tickets
In order to book your place for the Artistic Director's Circle Lunch please email development@northernballet.com
In order to book your place at the Annual Dancer Drinks please email development@northernballet.com
Northern Ballet Patrons and Benefactors can watch our dancers take their daily class on stage at theatres across our national tour. To join us to watch Company class, please book below. Supporters can book online via the links below or contact the Development team via development@northernballet.com.
New for 2024, we are delighted to welcome our London Friends to a fantastic series of special events at the theatre.
Exclusive insight events with Federico Bonelli to be announced soon
You can speak to the Development Team at development@northernballet.com, call 0113 220 8000 or become a Benefactor online here or a Patron online here
Unless you request otherwise your tickets will be available to collect an hour before the performance, this will include a confirmation on timings, how to find the venue, and payment details (if applicable).
Not at all, Patrons and Benefactors can RSVP for any of the events found on this page by simply emailing Development@northernballet.com or calling 0113 220 8000.
Yes. As a Patron, Benefactor or member of the Artistic Director's Circle you will already have an account set up. If it is your first time using this you will be prompted to set up a password during your first booking. If you have forgotten your password you can follow the prompts to reset it. Any problems reach out to the team at development@northernballet.com or call 0113 220 8000.
As a busy working ballet company all the dates and times are subject to amendment or cancellation. We will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible of any changes.
Yes. Approximately six weeks beforehand we will send you your formal invitation which will include more detail than the above. If you have already booked, this email will include a reminder of all the details!