Winston Smith lives in a world of absolute conformity, his every action is scrutinized by Big Brother. However, when Winston meets Julia he dares to rebel by falling in love.
Divided by a barbed wire fence, Bruno doesn’t understand anything about where Shmuel lives, or who he is. To him, he’s just a new friend – a boy wearing a pair of striped pyjamas.
If you think you know what to expect from ballet, think again. This is ballet with a dramatic bite that will leave you thirsty for more - don’t miss your chance to experience it.
The Northern Ballet Sinfonia performs on stage creating a backdrop to dancers and special guest singers in this jubilant celebration of George and Ira Gershwin's fabulous music.
Northern Ballet transports you to the decadent society of Parisian highlife in the 1800s where the young and naive Armand falls deeply in love with the beautiful Marguerite.
Join Wendy, John, and Michael as they soar into the night sky with Peter, to a magical land of mermaids and fairy dust, where children can fly and adventures happen every day.
The mood is tense as d’Artagnan and the three musketeers embark on an action-packed quest to save the Queen’s reputation and the life of d’Artagnan’s love.
Retelling the classic fairytale with a Northern Ballet twist, join Little Red Riding Hood on her adventure as she makes friends and discovers the importance of kindness.
Goldilocks is a mischievous little girl with hair as bright as gold. Always on the look-out for an adventure, one day her curiosity leads her to a house full of many surprises.
Bringing this much-loved children’s story to life, Puss in Boots is the perfect opportunity for your little ones to enjoy live ballet, music and theatre.
Retelling the famous Hans Christian Andersen fairytale, follow Ugly Duckling on her journey as she overcomes her troubles and realises that she was beautiful all along.