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An illustration featuring a hare taking a nap under a tree while a tortoise runs past with wide eyes and a smile

Tortoise & the Hare Family Fun Day


Wednesday 14 February 2024, 9am - 3pm

Who's it for?

It's for ages five to seven

What is it?

Join us for a full day of dancing, crafting and learning at our Family Fun Day!  

As well as watching the heart-warming children’s ballet Tortoise & the Hare, little ones will explore the show through movement and play, finding out more about Northern Ballet and earning their Arts Award Discover qualification in the process. The day includes: 

  • A creative dance workshop with simple steps and moves from Tortoise & the Hare
  • A chance to see Northern Ballet’s Tortoise & the Hare, the perfect introduction to live ballet, music and theatre
  • The opportunity to learn more about the Northern Ballet Company and the people who work there as part of the Arts Award
  • Exciting Tortoise & the Hare craft activities where you can make your own keepsake to take home

Watch your child’s confidence and imagination grow as they get moving and make new friends. 

The day is open to all abilities, and parents/guardians will take part with their child. One adult can be responsible for a maximum of two children.

All ticket holders will watch Tortoise & the Hare.


Tickets are £23.50 for one adult and one child. Tickets for an additional child are £14.50.

Book your place by clicking here. To book over the phone, please call 0113 220 8008 to make a payment.

Book Now

Bookings close on Friday 9 February. Once you have booked your place you will be emailed a Booking Form which you must complete before attending.

For more information please contact Sam Moore on or by calling 0113 220 8000.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can come?

This is especially designed for five to seven year olds, and their parents/carers.

How many children can I bring?

Each adult can bring up to two children, more children will require more carers.

What does it cost?

For one adult and one child it costs £23.50, for an additional child there is a charge of £14.50.

Each person will get to watch Tortoise & the Hare.

More at Stanley & Audrey Burton Theatre