A lonely young woman who is forced to become a servant for her Stepmother after her Father’s untimely death. She longs to be accepted for who she really is.
Count Serbrenska
Cinderella’s Father, a loving parent who dies tragically at a picnic in the countryside of Moscow.
The Stepmother
Cinderella’s Stepmother who, overcome with sadness and grief, blames Cinderella for the Count’s death and forces her to become her servant.
Natasha and Sophia
Cinderella’s Stepsisters. They are jealous of the attention Cinderella receives and, under their mother’s orders, are not allowed to have anything to do with Cinderella.
Prince Mikhail
The Prince who falls in love with Cinderella at the winter ball and, with only her crystal slipper as a clue, searches high and low for the mysterious girl for whom the shoe will fit.
Prince Mikhail’s best friend who tries to stop Cinderella’s Stepmother interfering at the ball and helps the Prince in his search to find Cinderella after she leaves behind her crystal slipper.
The Magician
Moved by Cinderella’s kindness, the Magician insists Cinderella will go to the ball and uses his amazing magic to conjure a beautiful sleigh which transports Cinderella, under a starlit sky, to the winter ball.
Prince and Princess Mulakov
Parents to Prince Mikhail and good friends of Count Serbrenska, they were at the picnic on the terrible day of the Count’s death. They host the ball where the Prince first asks Cinderella to dance.