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PErformer in a red T-Shirt with a darkened background looks up and reaches both of her arms straight up

Appendix O - Useful Contacts and References

Designated Safeguarding Leads

Office hours
0113 220 8000

Leanne Kirkham
07825 545072 (out of office hours)

Annemarie Donoghue
07986 321395 (out of office hours)

Designated Safeguarding Officers

Office hours
0113 220 8000

Emma Rodriguez-Saona

Sam Moore
07904 295736 (out of office hours)

Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board

Social Care
0113 222 4401
0113 378 0644 (out of office hours)

Leeds Safeguarding Adults

Police Emergency


Police non-emergency


NSPCC (National Helpline)

For adults:
0808 800 5000

0800 1111